Eliminate the Learning Curve with Tele-Rad’s Training Sessions

Using an unfamiliar piece of technology can be intimidating. When that piece of technology is  responsible for running productions, communicating issues, and saving lives, it can become daunting. Radios offer communication at the simple push-of-a-button, with intuitive features, critical for responding in chaotic or emergency situations. Tele-Rad not only sells top-of-the-line safety and communications equipment – we back our products up by proving their efficiency and user-friendly capabilities. 

Our representatives and technicians are equipped with a vast array of knowledge, certifications, and an eagerness to make sure customers are comfortable using their new equipment. Our trainers can come onsite and provide scheduled learning sessions to non-technical end users, allowing them to feel comfortable using their equipment in stressful situations. When purchasing communications equipment and safety enhancements, you can count on Tele-Rad to provide you, a few co-workers, or even your whole staff with extensive training to ensure the technology is used to its full potential. With the proper guidance, your new technology can be fully explored and deployed right away. 

While training on new equipment is helpful, in some cases, it’s even mandatory. Any new Michigan Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS) user is required to take a course on 800 MHz radio training and in addition to training, a test that needs to be passed upon completion to become a certified user. It’s the responsibility of each individual agency to comply with training all of their staff.  Multiple Tele-Rad team members are certified trainers and can offer this training to our customers.  

Change can be difficult, especially in a world of ever-advancing technology. When planning on purchasing new equipment for your facility or organization, consider asking about our training options.In the past, we’ve offered our personalized training programs on two-way radio communications, dispatch consoles, camera and access control systems, and other technologies. Our safety and communications trainers are always expanding on their knowledge as new products and technology advancements become available. 

Let Tele-Rad Make Your Job Easier

Tele-Rad is proud to offer advanced technology that enables peace of mind and ease of communication - let us help you eliminate the learning curve so you can utilize your new products from day one.
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